About YBH
About YBH

Young Business Hub (YBH) is the umbrella comprehensive Youth Economic Empowerment initiative of ICYF among the whole economy related programs. The YBH has been developed for overcoming substantial economic problems of the youth through its multi-level strategic approach that is consist of several different layers.
Young Business Hub (YBH) offers landmark opportunities for young people from the OIC countries and beyond by organizing programs such as Startup Competitions, Investment Summits, Bootcamps, Vocational Educational Training and Entrepreneurs Development Centres (VETEDs), and Young Women Entrepreneur Training Programs at global level.
Young Business Hub (YBH) prioritize to train potential entrepreneurs and skilled workforce who will contribute to economic development process of their own country and region. By Business Summits, Startup Competitions, Bootcamps, VETEDs and other projects YBH object the development of the youth awareness on their potential and their focused investment on their career paths, offer sustainable development opportunity for the youth by creating effective enforcements and prepare youth for entry-level employment and support of their skills’ growth.

Our Focus
YBH Purposes
Empowering young entrepreneurs in OIC member states increasing knowledge and skills level.
Boosting innovation creating new companies and increasing visibility of Muslim youth start-ups in the global market.
Enabling the Muslim youth to explore the good practices and exchange the views with the youth of Ummah.
Creating centralized innovation platform bringing together start-ups; founders; investors; mentors, decision makers, ministers, governmental authorities, international institutions, ecosystem influencer, and sectoral partners within OIC global network.
Find new innovative approaches to solve real problems and chart the way forward for young entrepreneurs.
Our Aim
YBH Youth Action Plan
To ensure well-being and economic prospects of young people - by radically decreasing in 5 years’ period the current OIC youth unemployment rate of 15,6% to world annual of 12,6%; promoting collaboration between governments, private sector, educational institutions in support of youth entrepreneurship initiatives; designing special programmes of investment in youth start-up as well as in youth oriented social projects on national and OIC levels.
To bridge gender gap by lifting institutional barriers for women to enter the job market, motivating female employment with a view of achieving reduction in 5 years period of female unemployment rate in the OIC countries to the world’s average of 15%.
To ensure greater participation of young people - in all areas of public and social life by initiating youth involvement in national decision-making process including but not limited to leadership programmes starting from early educational level.
To upscale the educational level and extend proper training: to Muslim youth for keeping them abreast of contemporary trend of globalization, by strengthening their understanding of the challenges it poses. In this regard to upgrade widely promote environment of continuous non-formal education such youth centers for training and competence development.