Lehigh Valley LaunchBox first Virtual StartUp Bootcamp

Lehigh Valley LaunchBox first Virtual StartUp Bootcamp


The first Virtual StartUp Bootcamp hosted by Lehigh Valley LaunchBox (LVLB), Penn State Lehigh Valley’s business accelerator, wrapped up a six-week program at the end of September with 27 participants ranging from high school students to seasoned professionals launching a new business venture. Topics covered ranged from developing a business model to marketing, supply chain, financial modeling, legal risks and pitching their business. Participants were also offered an optional one-on-one coaching session for anyone looking to fine tune their pitch.

The program was designed for attendees who wanted to take their business to the next level and for those with a business idea who needed to develop a business plan. The program was structured with pre-work assignments for each session and included a series of lectures and discussions with breakout rooms facilitated by the instructors. Ten instructors – some with extensive corporate backgrounds and some entrepreneurs – included Penn State Lehigh Valley faculty members, LaunchBox Advisory Board members and a representative from Penn State Entrepreneur Law Clinic.

All participants were encouraged to apply for Penn State Lehigh Valley LaunchBox grants which will be awarded during Factory’s StartUp Lehigh Valley Virtual Pitch competition on Nov. 18.

“Our first bootcamp program was exciting because many of the participants that completed the program garnered enough information so they could confidently pitch their business to investors. We intend to continue offering this free program annually, and possibly twice a year, as part of the resources the LVLB can bring to entrepreneurs in our community,” said Annette Durnack, director of business development, Penn State Lehigh Valley.

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