Our Programs


We successfully held 7 Investment and Startups Summits in 4 continents

World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum-WEIF 2022

World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum-WEIF 2022

10th Kazan OIC Youth Entrepreneurship Forum

The 10th Kazan OIC Youth Entrp. Forum has kicked off in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, organized by the (ICYF-ERC)

Our Numbers

Committed Funds
$ 0
Portfolio Companies
$ 0
Companies Vetted
Registered Investors
Countries Represented



“Youth are the driving force of the future and are the shapers of the digital revolution. Hence, the way forward is to provide support towards the economic empowerment of youth in the OIC member states which will ensure prosperity for all. The UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office and the Arab International Center for Entrepreneurship Center in Bahrain strongly believe that YBH platform is an instrumental tool towards regional integration, entrepreneurship, Innovation and ultimately achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. “

Dr. Hashim Hussein


Success Stories

Food waste and wastewater are a major contributor to the global problems of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. EINSTECH has created an innovative solution...
ServisSoft is a cloud-based field & asset service management and service tracking software that offers smart solutions to companies with service departments in their organizations....
Offers a solution to the long and expensive disinfection operations by offering a high efficiency alternative: Cbot which is self-drive disinfection platform powered by UV-C...

About YBH

Young Business Hub (YBH) is the umbrella comprehensive Youth Economic Empowerment initiative of ICYF among the whole economy related programs. The YBH has been developed for overcoming substantial economic problems of the youth through its multi-level strategic…

About ICYF

Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum” (ICYF) is an international, non-commercial, non-partisan organization uniting leading umbrella youth organizations from the Member-States of the Organization of Islamic-Cooperation (OIC) as well as international youth organizations, operating in the OIC region and youth organizations representing significant Muslim minorities worldwide…


The Young Business Hub (YBH) is a multiphase entrepreneurship platform that offers young entrepreneurs (Startups and innovative SMEs) from the OIC Member States the opportunity of online and offline trainings in related fields and to be matched with the specifically chosen investors both in online platform and in yearly investment summit.
“Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum” is an international, non-commercial, non-partisan organization uniting leading umbrella youth organizations from the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as well as international youth organizations operating in the OIC region and significant Muslim minorities worldwide.
The Business Summits will provide a platform for the business circles from OIC countries to meet with their World counterparts to develop new partnerships. Various visionary speeches, panels, workshops and round tables will be organized by bringing together successful young business people and politicians from all over the world, especially in OIC member countries. It is expected that young policy makers will find solutions by expanding the business network between business people from different countries and allowing discussion of the most important problems of the OIC geography.
A startup is a company or project undertaken by an entrepreneur to seek, develop, and validate a scalable economic model. Startup is a young company founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market. Startups refer to new businesses that intend to grow large beyond the solo founder. YBH organize various startup programs through out the year to filter successfull startups in OIC region and beyond to train them in incubation centers and give them a chance to be noticed and reviewed by world well known VCs, funds and investors.
Bootcamp is an intense training program designed for entrepreneurs based on Lean Startup Methodology. YBH Bootcamp is a tailor made 14-module program. Most successful startups from ICYF YBH Platform will have chance to attend 3-day accelerator training program.
Vocational Education Training and Enterprise Development Centers (VETEDs) is an YBH initiative for young people to receive quality vocational training and entrepreneurship skills in their regional centers. Main objectives of the VETEDs is to reduce unemployment among youth. Centers provides certified vocational training entrepreneurship programs. It help the trainees to increase their production, marketing, planning and management skills.